Thursday, August 05, 2010
Being Racist Means Never Having to Say You're Sorry...Or Fact Checking
The jumping off point for Steve Sailer's latest screed is a year old photo of Sammy Sosa in white face. Never been a fan of Sammy. Unlike Barry Bonds he was not much of a player till he started juicing and his mugging for the cameras and his desperate need for attention always annoyed me. He is a multi-tasking cheater, recall that he was caught with a corked bat. Coming to Sammy's defense is difficult for me, but defend I must. I do not know what was going through his skull when he popped up at a party ghostly pale, with color contacts and straightened hair but it should be noted that he gave up the look just as quickly as he adopted. It would be too much for Sailer to check that out, of course because it would not fit into his worldview. Sailer is a particular brand of racist, one who thrills at provoking without actually showing us his Stormfront tat. Sailer never actually shouts "White power!" from the rooftops nor does he proclaim that blacks or other minorities are inferior per se. Rather he just likes to needle and poke, noting that those darn minorities sure have some issues, don't they?
Steve Sailer,