Friday, July 30, 2010

Baba-Bull Watch: BonkoBert Keeps it Real

Here is what annoys me about Humberto Fontova. He is actually quite smart, even knowledgeable but he is also completely and totally off of his rocker. Bert usually starts off with a statement of fact then slowly but ever so surely his posts will degenerate into some gnarled rant of some sort that essentially casts anyone who doesn't agree with him wholeheartedly to have been Che's triggerman at La Cabana. Bert reminds me of those characters on Chapelle Show who keep it real...they have a choice to make: be smart, think it through or keep it real. BonkoBert, in case you were wondering, always keeps it real.

His latest post is easily the most disjointed insane rant ever composed - you need a Little Orphan Annie Secret Decoder Ring to divine what the hell he is talking about. He somehow mashes together the commie Vencermos Brigade with Saladrigas, Joe Garcia and anyone who isn't an embargo fan. I almost want to see the embargo lifted so I can see Bert's head explode.