Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Defending the Undefendable: Magda Montiel Davis

Uh....uh....screw it. I draw the line at sticking up for sycophants, commie apologists and child molesters. Magda is at least two out of three. 26th Parallel notes Magda's latest blatant hypocrisy. Last time she did Cuba's bidding she was at least willing to take their money. Now she is taking our taxpayer dollars to help out Fidel, that is just wrong. The woman is just plain evil.

I feel compelled to state however, that I believe she is right in this case. This is no Elian situation. The mother has stated that she wants her child to be with the father. The father, motivated perhaps by the incessant images of Juan Miguel sitting by Fidel at functions wants his kid back. Regardless it is his right and the mother's wish. As for the foster parents let us not suddenly paint the normally self-serving Joe Cubas as a saint. After all he is the one that pushed for the gag order to be lifted on the case. I could be wrong but I do not recall Cubas doing anything completely self-less in his career so I am having a hard time picturing him as a hero.