Friday, September 14, 2007

Defending the Undefendable: Oscar Corral

Don't get me wrong it is hard not to snicker over the whole Oscar Corral kerfuffle aka Hummergate, but enough already. So every right-wing Cube's favorite Herald reporter gets busted seeking the assistance of the professional to relieve him of that after work stress and he gets busted. Obviously he exercised poor judgement, but does he really deserved to be raked over the coals for it? He got busted, he's obviously been suspended or fired and that all pails in comparison to whatever he had waiting for him when he got home. Just let it be already. So the Herald didn't make the arrest a front page story, so what? No one cares about Oscar Corral except the Cubes, trust me. A congressman getting busted...that is front page news. A story about journalists and a potential conflict of interest...even if it was COMPLETELY erroneous...that is front page news. A local reporter busted for trying to pay for a BJ, the only reason it's news is because so many people hate him already.

HeraldWatch an otherwise enjoyable and informative blog links to content provided by Antonio de la Cova, PhD. Seriously, doesn't someone with a PhD have something more important to do. Or have something with a tad more intellectual heft to devote his time to? Apparently not. de la Cova makes what I assume he thinks are brilliant points in Hummergate. The man even goes through the trouble of posting the police reports for Corral, the prostitute and the pimp. de la Cova needs a life or a better job that will occupy his time.