Saturday, September 08, 2007

The Miami Herald Sucks...and So Do Its Readers

Hit some news sites this morning to see what the top stories were. The much maligned Drudge Report plasters Osama's latest video release above the banner and has a note above that mentioning that the Republican and Bush critic Chuck Hagel is quitting the senate. NYT has their typical "sky is falling as long as a Republican is in the White House" piece. This time the focus is not Iraq but the economy...something they have pretty much ignored for the better part of six years except when gas prices went up.

The Washington papers have a more international focus. The PWaPost tells us what to expect from Gen. Petraeus's report and the Times recounts the testy exchange between W and South Korean Prez Roh Moo-hyun.

Meanwhile LAT and my beloved Herald have local concerns topping their websites. LAT reports that a locally based lender is laying off 12,000. And the Herald has what you ask? What critical story tops its site? The headline literally leads with the following "Dade mom recruited to check out McDonald's."

What is wrong with my hometown paper? No one doubts that the Herald reporters look down upon their Spanish sister paper el Nuevo Herald but even they top off their site with the "historic" Hispanic presidential forum to be held at UM.

As for Herald readers all I can say is that they really aren't interested in the news to begin with. Of the most viewed stories on the site seven are sports related. Five of those deal with the truly awful Dolphins. Of the three remaining pieces one is the aforementioned Micky D Mom Inspector, a story about a tropical storm warning for the Carolinas and finally a piece on gambling in Seminole Indian casinos