Sunday, September 16, 2007

Defending the Undefendable: Nick Gutierrez

Eye on Miami rips into Nick Gutierrez because of a letter he wrote defending the Bay of Pigs Memorial. Now I understand why they are upset but there is no reason to get personal. Nick is not a friend and I would not even consider him an acquaintance but I have run into him a couple of times. I'm even pretty certain that he would tear into me for some of my views. Nonetheless I have always found Nick to be gracious and accommodating.

Nick is passionate about Cuba and the cause of freedom. Lucky for him he has been able to combine his personal and professional interests. If he comes across as a bulldog sometimes, especially while wearing his professional then he is doing his job and doing it well. Knock Nick if you don't agree with him but let's not get personal especially if you don't know him.